DSA - Software, Warehouse Management Software Company
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FOXWARE is an exceptionally feature-rich, cost-effective range of 3PL warehouse management and inventory tracking software. It runs in a Windows Server environment, affording economical implementation and scalability.

The FOXWARE product family is made up of complementary, yet distinct, modules, all customizable to your unique needs and incorporated into your system as needed, based on your requirements.

Foxware DC Manager Foxware Web View
Foxware RF Manager Third Party Billing
Foxware Data X-Change Manager  


FOXWARE DC (Distribution Center) Manager

FOXWARE DC Manager is our flexible, full-featured "base" package, to which all other FOXWARE modules are integrated on an as-needed basis. Because it was designed by professionals in the warehousing industry, it’s an application that understands all of the day-to-day activities of a warehouse, and automates them.

What will DC Manager do for you?

  • Automates inventory tracking, shipping and receiving documentation, order management, FIFO order selection, reporting, and third party billing functions of a warehouse.
  • Minimizes data entry and other manual functions; saves time in the office by eliminating duplicate data entry, reducing data entry errors, eliminating the manual production of reports.
  • Helps the warehouse manager to organize his daily tasks.
  • Allows the warehouse to keep pace with ever-changing industry requirements

Backed by 15 years of development, DC Manager is an excellent tool for operations that require flexible, reasonably priced, and user-friendly Warehouse Management Software with room for future expansion. FOXWARE's modular design allows you to purchase only what you need today, with the option of purchasing other modules, if and when you need them.

How it Works: DC Manager uses a relational database that ties all relevant information together, and contains all of the reporting and informational lookup screens that warehouse manager needs. It contains the database, master files, reports, inbound and outbound order processing screens and all workstation-based functionality. Additionally, all of the customer service, dispatch, management and administrative functions are performed in this core module.

Foxware RF Manager

FOXWARE RF Manager is our state-of-the-art Radio Frequency application that works in conjunction with FOXWARE DC Manager, the foundation of our Warehouse Management Software. It allows users to “scan” bar coded information about products and locations, providing instant and accurate, information. This RF software functionality facilitates all warehouse operations, including: receiving; put-away; locating; moves within the warehouse; picking; shipping; etc.

What will RF Manager do for you?

Allows for highly accurate and immediately available inventory information.

  • Eliminates data entry errors
  • Reduces floor and office labor costs
  • Saves potential lost business and customer dissatisfaction
  • Boosts productivity
  • Catapults inventory accuracy to 100%.

FOXWARE RF Manager is a reliable, cost-effective component of our Warehouse Management Software, giving you confidence that the information your employees use to make day-to-day decisions is real-time and accurate.

How it Works: Wireless Access Points using radios supporting the 802.11b standard are mounted throughout the warehouse to provide continuous radio coverage. These Access Points are connected via the existing LAN to provide access to the FOXWARE database. The operators in the warehouse use mobile (RF) scanning terminal devices- either handheld or truck-mounted – that communicate with the LAN via the Access Points.


FOXWARE Data X-Change Manager

FOXWARE Data X-Change provides a manageable solution to demanding information-sharing requirements. It automatically creates warehouse orders, synchronizing inventory and ASN compliance, and automates the exchange of commonly exchanged documents, including Instructions to Ship, Shipment Advise, Notice of Inbound Shipment, Shipment Advice, Inventory “Snapshot,” Purchase Orders, and Invoices.

What will Data X-Change do for you?

  • Eliminates data entry errors, mis-shipments, inaccurate invoicing, and expensive inventory reconciliation activities by automating data exchange.
  • Saves time and reduces labor by automating many aspects of inter-company communications during the distribution cycle.
  • Increases order accuracy, decreases order lead time, and allows you to respond quickly and accurately to customer needs.
  • Facilitates product distribution from the initial purchase order stages through confirmation of final delivery.
    Accommodates several methods of data exchange, including EDI, XML .xls, and CSV.

Having managed data exchange transactions for 15 years, DSA uses the latest tools and techniques in our Data X-Change module for maximum flexibility and robustness. Users in the warehouse and 3PL industries will benefit greatly from this powerful software module.



FOXWARE’s WebView is a browser-based interface that gives your customers the ability to view real-time inventory information securely over the web. With WebView, your customers can view the status of their inventory at any time, day or night, giving them an added sense of security and control over their products. These capabilities can be used both by your company’s own management, and can also be provided, on a secure basis, to your clients and trading partners.

What will WebView do for you?

  • Allows you to pursue customers that demand real-time inventory visibility.
  • Allows your clients to determine current inventory levels within the warehouse and to view recent (or pending) product activity.
  • Your clients can provide “self-service” information retrieval to their own clients – reducing the impact on customer service operations.
  • Helps you to deliver on the promise of exceptional customer service.

Powerful and easy to use, Web View will directly impact your customers, immediately giving them the information they need, day or night. What’s more, it actually allows you to save money on customer service while you improve the level of service you provide to your customers.

How it Works: Users sign on via a secure (password-protected) account, and follow simple prompts and instructions to obtain current inventory information. Reports may be printed, or e-mailed, and information can be filtered quickly and flexibly to provide exactly what the user is looking for.


Third Party Billing:

Our Third Party Billing module allows users that operate Public Warehousing facilities to accurately keep track of storage, handling, and "assessorial charges" for any number of activities. As a result, these charges can be consolidated onto a single invoice, providing a simpler, more efficient way for the warehouse to bill its customers. Since the rules defining how to bill charges are flexible, charges can be assessed differently, depending on the product being handled or the billing rates and methods negotiated with each customer.

DSA-Software understands the tasks you need to accomplish on a daily basis, and the problems you encounter in trying to accomplish them. We understand the demands of a 3PL environment, and how to make day-to-day operations more efficient. Our Foxware line of warehouse management and inventory tracking software solves the problems you face today, and its modular design builds in the flexibility you need to solve the new problems you’ll face tomorrow. Built by professionals in the warehousing industry and backed by top-notch, ongoing customer service, it’s exceptionally affordable, especially when compared to systems with similar levels of functionality.

We’re confident that Foxware is just the solution you’re looking for, and we invite you to call us today for a free consultation to find out exactly how our software can improve your operation. Click here to contact DSA-Software.